open rhinoplasty Phuket, Thailand
open rhinoplasty Phuket, Thailand
This case did nose surgery with tipplasty or open rhinoplasty with tip plasty technique. In this topic we will show before and after picture of nose surgery When you have big tip of nose or have dorsal hump, will look not perfect shape of nose. This problem can not correction by normal technique or closed augmentation rhinoplasty but can correction with open augmentation rhinoplasty technique. Open rhinoplasty technique is suitable for thin skin at tip of nose, revision rhinoplasty, big tip of nose or have defect at nose from birth/trauma.
This technique plastic surgeon use septal cartilage or/with rib cartilage to make a new tip of nose and for dorsal bridge of nose will use silicone I-shape to put at dorsal. When we use cartilage to covertip have more advantages; on risk of extrusion, safety end look natural.
Today phibeautyclinic phuket, cosmetic and plastic surgery clinic will show picture of nose surgery with tip plasty.
Before surgery
front view the nasal bridge quite look prominent as good shape.
Before surgery lateral view
Lateral view picture show drooping of tip, dorsal hump look sad and not beautyful
This picture show 1 week after surgery in front view
This picture show 1 week after surgery in lateral view
This picture show 3 week after surgery in front view
This picture show 3 week after surgery in lateral view
look more natural, higher bridge of dorsal nose and tip projection in good position
Now past 3 months after surgery, swelling is gone full recovery. Shape of nose is very good, more natural all degree when you look.
" Dr. Chirayut at phibeautyclinic phuket is very professional and staff team very friendly and helpful. I am very appreciate with result of nose. I love my new nose and this nose shape so much, now my face look like korean superstar. Recommendation doctor !! "
Posted on 6 years ago