Breast Enlargement Phuket
Breast Enlargement Phuket
Hello, my name is Kate I recently had breast surgery or breast enlargement, I had breast enlargement because I don't really had no breast at all there is hardly nothing there!
I live in London,United Kingdom and I go to Phuket for travelling and I start to find the place to do my breast online there are several choice in Phuket but Phibeauty clinic is touch
my thought

because it's look pretty good have many beautiful review on the website then I called to book for consultation with doctor. Started with some question previouse operations,
health status, treatments etc. I told doctor I want to have a nature look.
Then to doctor measured my cheat and he identified me and offered me a tear drop implant size 260cc and its suite me. The nurse tell me to wear bra and put the sizeing implant into the bra
so I can determine the size and see myslef in the mirror how it look like it is perfect, exactly what I wanted natural, not too big. Doctor explain to me the progress of the operation,
the risks etc. And the incision is under breast as I have thin skin so best to place silicone under muscle as will give more natural look. The doctor explains alls about the details so I
decide to do breast surgery with Phibeauty Clinic Phuket.

Now I got breast haha. I feel a lot better in myself more confident then ever been and amazing result.

Phibeauty Clinic Phuket is one of the best places to come From the start look very clean and beautyful.
Nurse and staffs are friendly, they are very polite and stay with me for take care everything to me after surgery done. I'm very happy. And the best one is doctor very lovely person
and very professional about surgery. I would loke to recommend phibeauty clinic 100% percent to do surgery

Review Breast Surgery
Posted on 6 years ago